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  • Kim Heyburgh

Swipe, Please

One of the first things I ask all of my clients to do is to get into the habit of paying for everything with their bank card instead of cash


There are a number of reasons

1. It's safer: This is a no-brainer - carrying cash around is not a good idea in this day and age

2. It's cheaper: On the whole, most banks give you a number of inclusive transactions and drawing cash can be expensive (we've all had the experience of walking or driving around trying to find our own banks' ATM)

3. Cash slips fade: There's nothing worse than trying to make out a date or figure on a faded cash slip

4. Cash slips 'breed': We've all had to face that shopping bag full of slips - what a daunting to task to sort them into date and then category

4. It's more efficient: Here's where it starts to benefit me (or whomever is doing your books) - when you swipe everything, the record is permanently recorded on your bank statement. It is then super easy to import into a system and allocate - saving both of us time

Give me a shout if you need help with your bookkeeping

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